Friday, July 15, 2011

Let the craic roll!!

Bags are all packed, money's in the bank, and my Fall tuition is even paid so that's one less thing I have to worry about this weekend. This time tomorrow I will be on that flight to Dublin! It's still quite surreal. The reality of this situation probably won't hit me until I've stepped into the terminal at the Dublin airport. And it might not even hit me then. We'll be arriving at 6:50 (Ireland time) Sunday morning. They are 5 hours ahead of U.S. time so in a way, it kinda makes me feel like I'm innn the futturreee :) Our flight tomorrow is overnight from Charlotte and I'm a little more nervous than I have let on. I only took my first ever flight last year and it was about 2 hours to New Hampshire which was cake compared to 7 and a half hours over water at night...but I've got the entire Hunger Games series in tow so I can hopefully knock out at least one of them on the way there (or knock myself out...) It's also hard to leave my Coleman behind. Even though we've spent more than a month apart before, we weren't living together then and were not completely dependent on each other like we are now. But even though it's sad to leave him behind, we both know this is an opportunity of a lifetime for me and that I will be back sooner than we know it.

Updates and pictures will be posted ASAP. I'm just hoping that my computer will make it through. She's been experiencing a lot of technical difficulties lately but I'm hoping some Ireland air will do her some good. And me as well. Can't wait to get started on giving everyone some insight into my adventures :)

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